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Feng Jianxiang, deputy director of the Zhuzhou Municipal People’s Congress, went to the second phase of the Haohua project in the development zone to hold an on-site office meeting. County Party Secretary Kang Yuelin and County Mayor Su Tao attended

  • Categories:Company News
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  • Time of issue:2020-03-02
  • Views:0

(Summary description)On March 2, Feng Jianxiang, deputy director of the Zhuzhou Municipal People's Congress, went to the second phase of the Haohua project in the development zone to hold an on-site office meeting. The county party secretary Kang Yuelin and the county head Su Tao attended.

Feng Jianxiang, deputy director of the Zhuzhou Municipal People’s Congress, went to the second phase of the Haohua project in the development zone to hold an on-site office meeting. County Party Secretary Kang Yuelin and County Mayor Su Tao attended

(Summary description)On March 2, Feng Jianxiang, deputy director of the Zhuzhou Municipal People's Congress, went to the second phase of the Haohua project in the development zone to hold an on-site office meeting. The county party secretary Kang Yuelin and the county head Su Tao attended.

  • Categories:Company News
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2020-03-02
  • Views:0


  On March 2, Feng Jianxiang, deputy director of the Zhuzhou Municipal People's Congress, went to the second phase of the Haohua project in the development zone to hold an on-site office meeting. The county party secretary Kang Yuelin and the county head Su Tao attended.




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Feng Jianxiang, deputy director of the Zhuzhou Municipal People’s Congress, went to the second phase of the Haohua project in the development zone to hold an on-site office meeting. County Party Secretary Kang Yuelin and County Mayor Su Tao attended

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