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The company organizes outdoor outings

  • Categories:Staff style
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2020-04-25
  • Views:0

(Summary description)On April 25, the company used the weekend's free time to organize middle-level deputy or above managers to go to the Au Nanhu Manor in Youxian County to carry out an outdoor outing. Because of the busy work, everyone rarely has the opportunity to have such a fun chat. This event allowed everyone to get in touch with nature easily, physically and mentally. Let the photos freeze our happy moments!

The company organizes outdoor outings

(Summary description)On April 25, the company used the weekend's free time to organize middle-level deputy or above managers to go to the Au Nanhu Manor in Youxian County to carry out an outdoor outing. Because of the busy work, everyone rarely has the opportunity to have such a fun chat. This event allowed everyone to get in touch with nature easily, physically and mentally. Let the photos freeze our happy moments!

  • Categories:Staff style
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2020-04-25
  • Views:0

Happy outing

  On April 25, the company used the weekend's free time to organize middle-level deputy or above managers to go to the Au Nanhu Manor in Youxian County to carry out an outdoor outing. Because of the busy work, everyone rarely has the opportunity to have such a fun chat. This event allowed everyone to get in touch with nature easily, physically and mentally. Let the photos freeze our happy moments!




  Time seems too short in tired and happy, everyone is looking forward to the day when we get together again!

  This event created a good corporate atmosphere, harvested health and happiness, and added new momentum to the work of employees.

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The company organizes outdoor outings

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