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Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: Strictly implement paraquat supervision measures and promote special rectification of paraquat

(Summary description)Agrochemical Network Chinese website reported: According to the notice on strengthening the special rectification of paraquat issued on the website of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs on September 25: In recent years, the special rectification of paraquat has achieved remarkable results

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: Strictly implement paraquat supervision measures and promote special rectification of paraquat

(Summary description)Agrochemical Network Chinese website reported: According to the notice on strengthening the special rectification of paraquat issued on the website of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs on September 25: In recent years, the special rectification of paraquat has achieved remarkable results


  Agrochemical Network Chinese website reported: According to the notice on strengthening the special rectification of paraquat issued on the website of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs on September 25: In recent years, the special rectification of paraquat has achieved remarkable results, but illegal addition of paraquat still exists in some areas Paraquat and illegal management of paraquat have caused paraquat poisoning accidents to occur from time to time, causing adverse social effects. In order to thoroughly implement the "Regulations on Pesticide Management", Ministry of Agriculture Announcements No. 1745 and 2445, and Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Announcement No. 269, strictly implement paraquat supervision measures, continue to deepen the special rectification of paraquat, and maintain people’s lives, health and safety, The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs issued the following notice.

  1. Strengthen the approval of documents and strictly enforce the production and export qualifications of paraquat

  According to the "Administrative Licensing Law", "Pesticide Management Regulations", "Pesticide Production License Management Measures" and the relevant provisions of the Ministry of Agriculture Announcements No. 1745 and No. 2445, it has the production license of paraquat parent drug and the paraquat parent drug registered for pesticide use only abroad Only manufacturers can produce paraquat products. Before November 1, 2020, the production qualifications and conditions of paraquat parent drug manufacturers will be checked. Those without production licenses will no longer retain their paraquat parent drugs and preparations for pesticide registration certificates for overseas use only. Those who have obtained the production license for the parent drug of paraquat and no longer meet the prescribed conditions and have no intention to continue the production of paraquat shall no longer retain their production license for the parent drug of paraquat. Those who have obtained the production license of paraquat parent drug and no longer meet the prescribed conditions to continue to produce paraquat shall be ordered to make rectification within a time limit. If the rectification is refused within the time limit or the prescribed conditions are still not met after the rectification, the issuing authority shall revoke the production of the paraquat parent drug license. The provincial agricultural and rural departments where the existing paraquat production enterprises that only use the pesticide registration certificate abroad are located must report the approval status and treatment suggestions of the production license of paraquat mother drug in their jurisdiction to our pesticide management department before November 15, 2020 Division.

  According to the Announcement No. 269 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, paraquat products produced by paraquat parent drug manufacturers can only be used for export and cannot be sold within the country. When the production enterprise handles the paraquat export notice, it shall check whether the pesticide production enterprise’s paraquat pesticide registration and production license are complete. When entrusting a trading company to issue an export notice, it should check the relevant overseas registration of paraquat or the certification documents of the importing country’s consent to import, the export agency power of attorney signed by the paraquat parent drug manufacturer, and the direct export issued by the paraquat parent drug manufacturer. The relevant certification documents and business scope include business licenses that restrict the use of pesticides.

  2. Strengthen information monitoring and regularly report on the production and operation of paraquat

  Establish a monthly reporting system for the production and operation of paraquat. Before the 10th of each month, the provincial agricultural and rural departments where the paraquat mother drug manufacturer is located shall report to the Department of Pesticide Management of the Ministry of the relevant enterprises in their jurisdiction from January to the end of last month. Sodium) purchase quantity, production quantity of paraquat mother medicine and preparations, export countries or regions and quantities, entrusted export agency trading enterprises and export countries or regions and quantities, etc., and timely grasp the production and operation of paraquat mother medicine and preparations. Pesticide production companies that entrust trading companies to handle exports are responsible for the supervision of the export, and report relevant information (export time, country or region, quantity, etc.) to the provincial agricultural and rural departments where the trading companies are entrusted to handle the export.

  3. Strengthen supervision and spot checks, focusing on cracking down on illegal addition of paraquat

  It is necessary to strengthen the supervision and inspection of the pesticide market, focusing on checking whether there is any illegal operation of paraquat products. It is necessary to strengthen the supervision and random inspection of diquat, glyphosate, glufosinate and other biocidal herbicide products, focusing on random inspections for illegal addition of paraquat hidden ingredients. Once illegal additions are found, the source shall be traced back and the purchase shall be traced in time Sources and production sources, resolutely crack down on illegal addition of paraquat hidden ingredients in accordance with the law.

  4. Strengthen law enforcement inspections and resolutely crack down on illegal production and operation

  According to the Announcement No. 269 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, it is prohibited to sell pesticide products only for export in my country. Violators shall be investigated and dealt with in accordance with the "Pesticide Management Regulations" for failing to obtain domestic use registration. Paraquat production companies sell paraquat to overseas purchasing companies and may not sell them to domestic companies. The provincial agricultural and rural departments where the paraquat parent drug production company is located should organize law enforcement personnel to strengthen the supervision and inspection of the paraquat raw material (sodium cyanide) procurement, production and sales accounts, and product quality of the production company, and carefully check whether the monthly data is true. Whether there is a domestic sales problem. The provincial agricultural and rural departments where the trading enterprise entrusted to handle the export is located shall verify whether the time, country or region, and quantity of the actual export of the agent trading enterprise are the same as the information reported by the manufacturer based on the information on the entrusted export agency of the parent drug manufacturer of paraquat Yes, whether there is a domestic sales problem. It is necessary to dispatch inspection teams to carry out unannounced inspections in due course, focusing on inspections of the production and operation of paraquat mother drug manufacturers and entrusted export agency trading enterprises. We must resolutely crack down on illegal production and operation of paraquat in accordance with the law, and for those who illegally produce and operate paraquat. "Black dens" must be banned in accordance with the law, and those that constitute a crime must be transferred to the public security organs in accordance with law.

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Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: Strictly implement paraquat supervision measures and promote special rectification of paraquat

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