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The General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued the "Opinions on Strengthening the United Front Work of Private Economy in the New Era"

(Summary description)According to Xinhua News Agency, recently, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued the "Opinions on Strengthening the United Front Work of the Private Economy in the New Era" and issued a notice requiring all regions and departments to conscientiously implement it in light of actual conditions.

The General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued the "Opinions on Strengthening the United Front Work of Private Economy in the New Era"

(Summary description)According to Xinhua News Agency, recently, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued the "Opinions on Strengthening the United Front Work of the Private Economy in the New Era" and issued a notice requiring all regions and departments to conscientiously implement it in light of actual conditions.


  According to Xinhua News Agency, recently, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued the "Opinions on Strengthening the United Front Work of the Private Economy in the New Era" and issued a notice requiring all regions and departments to conscientiously implement it in light of actual conditions.

  The "Opinions" clarified from the three aspects that "strengthening the united front work of the private economy is an important way to realize the party's leadership over the private economy, an important content of the development and improvement of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and an important guarantee for promoting the high-quality development of the private economy". Significantly, it is required to be guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, to adhere to the party's leadership of the private economic united front work; adhere to "two unshakable"; adhere to the establishment of pro-Qing political and business relations; adhere to trust, unity, service and guidance , Educational policy, and continuously enhance the political consensus of private economic people on the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics under the leadership of the party.

  The "Opinions" proposed that to strengthen the ideological and political construction of private economic personnel, it is necessary to hold high the banner of patriotism and socialism, increase political and ideological guidance, continue to build the foundation for the ideological and political work of private economic personnel, consolidate and expand political consensus, and deepen ideals and beliefs Education, strengthen ideological guidance, and advocate striving to be the "four models."

  Regarding “building a team of high-quality representatives of the private economy”, the “Opinions” clearly stated that the principle of the party’s management of talents must be adhered to, and the law of growth of private economic personnel must be followed. The goal is to improve quality, optimize structure, and play a role, and build a high-quality, qualified A team of representatives of the private economy. It is necessary to clarify the scope of work, improve the selection mechanism, strengthen education and training, standardize political arrangements, and increase the training of the younger generation.

  The "Opinions" pointed out that insisting on focusing on the center, serving the overall situation, and promoting the high-quality development of the private economy is the proper meaning of the united front work of the private economy and an important standard for measuring the effectiveness of work. We must promote the implementation of new development concepts, encourage participation in major national strategies, support commitment to comprehensively deepen reforms, and continuously optimize the business environment.

  The "Opinions" proposed that promoting the establishment of pro-Qing political and business relations is an important task of the private economic united front work. Relying on the united front to carry out communication and consultation between government and enterprises is the key to building a pro-Qing political and business relationship. It is necessary to standardize the content of communication and negotiation, innovate the form of communication and negotiation, strengthen the contact service for chambers of commerce and private enterprises, and improve the mechanism for private enterprises to reflect their demands and safeguard their rights.

  The "Opinions" pointed out that the Federation of Industry and Commerce and its affiliated chambers of commerce are important organizational support for the united front work of the private economy. It is necessary to deepen the reform and construction of the Federation of Industry and Commerce, cultivate and develop Chinese characteristic chambers of commerce organizations, and promote the effective coverage of the united front work to chambers of commerce organizations. It is necessary to promote the reform and development of the Federation of Industry and Commerce, and guide the standardized and orderly development of related organizations of private entrepreneurs.

  Regarding "strengthening the party's leadership of the private economic united front work", the "Opinions" emphasized that the private economic united front work is an important work of the whole party. It is necessary to put the strengthening of the private economic united front work on the agenda. Under the unified leadership of the party committee, a private economic united front work pattern with clear division of labor and efficient coordination in all aspects should be formed. The leadership system and mechanism should be improved, organizational guarantees, and capacity building should be strengthened. Provide strong support for the united front work of the private economy in the new era.

  The main contents of the "Opinions on Strengthening the United Front Work of Private Economy in the New Era" are as follows:

  Since the reform and opening up, my country’s private economy has continued to develop rapidly, and the party’s private economic united front work has continued to innovate. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has put forward a series of new concepts, new ideas, and new strategies, and adopted a series of major measures to guide and promote the private economic united front work to achieve remarkable results. At the same time, we must also see that socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, the scale of the private economy has continued to expand, risks and challenges have increased significantly, the values ​​and interests of private economic people have become increasingly diverse, and the united front work of the private economy is facing new situations and new tasks. In order to thoroughly implement the major decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee, to further strengthen the Party's leadership of the private economic united front work, and to better integrate the wisdom and strength of private economic personnel to the goal and task of achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the following opinions are hereby offered.

  1. Significance

  (1) Strengthening the united front work of the private economy is an important way to realize the party's leadership over the private economy. As an internal element of our country's economic system, the private economy has always been an important economic foundation for upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics; private economic people, as our own people, have always been an important force that our party must unite and rely on for long-term governance. Fully understand the importance of the private economy to the economic and social development of our country, fully understand the long-term and inevitability of the existence and development of the private economy, and promote the innovative development of the united front work of the private economy in the new era. This is conducive to the continuous enhancement of the party’s leadership over the private economy. Private economic figures are more closely united around the party, gathering the majestic force of building the Chinese Dream together.

  (2) Strengthening the united front work of the private economy is an important part of the development and improvement of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics. To uphold and improve the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and to promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities, we must always adhere to and improve my country's basic economic system, unswervingly consolidate and develop the public sector of the economy, and unswervingly encourage, support, and guide the development of the non-public sector of the economy. Doing a good job in the united front work of the private economy is conducive to stimulating the enthusiasm and initiative of the private economy in deepening reform and opening up, participating in national governance, giving play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation, giving better play to the role of the government, and fully demonstrating a society with Chinese characteristics System advantages of ism.

  (3) Strengthening the united front work of the private economy is an important guarantee for promoting the high-quality development of the private economy. To deepen supply-side structural reforms and achieve high-quality economic development, there is an urgent need for private enterprises to accelerate their transformation and upgrading and improve the overall quality of private entrepreneurs. Strengthening the united front work of the private economy is conducive to guiding private economic professionals to strengthen their confidence in development, improve their innovation capabilities, encourage and support private enterprises to transform their development methods, adjust their industrial structure, transform growth drivers, and promote better development of the private economy.

  2. General requirements

  (four) guiding ideology. Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second, Third and Fourth Plenary Sessions of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. A comprehensive" strategic layout, comprehensively improve the party’s ability to lead the private economic united front work, effectively strengthen the private economic united front work, and educate and guide private economic personnel to enhance the “four consciousnesses”, strengthen the “four self-confidence”, and achieve the “two safeguards” ", unswervingly listen to the party, follow the party, and make greater contributions to the realization of the "two centenary" goals and the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

  (5) Basic principles. Persist in the party’s leadership of the private economy’s united front work, and always plan to advance the work from a political and overall perspective; adhere to the "two unshakable" to further enhance the party’s leadership and cohesion with private economic personnel; adhere to the establishment of pro-Qing political and business relations and optimize The business environment promotes the formation of a good political ecology; adheres to the principles of trust, unity, service, guidance, and education, correctly handles the relationship of consistency and diversity, encourages support on the one hand, and education and guidance on the other, and continuously improves the leadership of private economic people in the party The political consensus to follow the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

  3. Strengthen the ideological and political construction of private economic personnel

  Hold high the banner of patriotism and socialism, increase political and ideological guidance, and continue to build the foundation for the ideological and political work of private economic people.

  (6) Consolidate and expand political consensus. Educate and guide private economic figures to arm their minds and guide practice with Xi Jinping’s socialist thoughts with Chinese characteristics in the new era, maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee on political positions, political directions, political principles, and political roads, and always be politically sensible. Further strengthen the party building work of private enterprises, and earnestly give play to the fighting fortress role of party organizations and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members. Vigorously publicize the Party Central Committee's major policy on the development of the private economy, further promote ideological and theoretical innovation, and promptly respond to the ideological concerns of the majority of private economic people. The united front departments of party committees at all levels must implement the responsibility system for ideological work in the field of private economy, so as to be responsible for keeping the soil, and responsible for keeping the soil.

  (7) Deepen the education of ideals and beliefs. Continue to carry out in-depth ideal and belief education and practice activities, innovate educational forms and discourse systems, continuously expand coverage, and improve effectiveness. Relying on the theme education demonstration bases such as old revolutionary areas, poverty-stricken areas, and frontier areas of reform and opening up, strengthen education on the conditions of the world, the country and the party, and guide private economic people to continuously increase their political, ideological, and emotional identification with the Communist Party of China and socialism with Chinese characteristics. Give full play to the exemplary role of party members, private entrepreneurs and representatives of private economy in the education of ideals and beliefs, fully mobilize the subjective initiative of the majority of private economic individuals, and strengthen self-learning, self-education, and self-improvement.

  (8) Increase the intensity of ideological guidance. Guide private economic people to increase their awareness of self-discipline, build a strong line of ideological and moral defense, strictly regulate their own words and deeds, cultivate a healthy lifestyle, and create a good public image. Improve the system of friendship and friendship and heart-to-heart communication, make good friends and make friends widely, and create a backbone team of private economic people who are reliable and useful at critical moments. In accordance with the principle of "Unity-Criticism-Unity", expand unity and reflect tolerance.

  (9) Advocate striving to be the "four models". Strengthen the guidance of values, guide the private economy to establish a correct view of the country, the rule of law, career, and wealth, and be a model of patriotism, dedication, law-abiding operation, entrepreneurship and innovation, and return to society. Deepen the publicity and education of the Chinese Dream, guide private economic people to establish a sense of home and country, take the responsibility of serving the country through industry and making the country strong, down-to-earth, and be humble and low-key. Pay attention to the warning role of typical cases, carry out normalized rule of law publicity and warning education, establish the bottom line of legally compliant operation, advocate credibility, trustworthiness, and trustworthiness, and continuously improve the law and moral standards of private economic personnel. Vigorously promote excellent entrepreneurial spirit and craftsmanship, and fully stimulate innovation vitality and creative potential. Advocate the concept of giving consideration to justice and benefit, putting righteousness first, insist on thinking about the source of getting rich, thinking about progress while getting rich, earnestly fulfill social responsibilities, vigorously build harmonious labor relations, actively participate in glorious undertakings, targeted poverty alleviation and charity, and overcome hedonism and luxury , Be rich and virtuous, rich and loving, rich and responsible.

  Fourth, build a team of high-quality private economic representatives

  Adhere to the principle of the Party’s management of talents, follow the growth law of private economic personnel, and aim to improve quality, optimize structure, and play a role in building a team of high-quality and responsible private economic representatives.

  (10) Clarify the scope of work. The united front work should be oriented to all private enterprises and private economic personnel. The objects of work mainly include the main investors and actual controllers of private enterprises, the main operators of private enterprises holding shares, the major shareholders of private investment institutions, and the private enterprises and private enterprises. The main person in charge of social organizations in the industrial and commercial field with economic personnel as the main body, the main person in charge of relevant social service organizations, the main partner of private intermediary agencies, the Hong Kong and Macao business people who invest in the Mainland, and the representative individual industrial and commercial households.

  (11) Improve the selection mechanism. Expand the horizons of selection, take into account different regions and industries, large and medium-sized enterprises and small and micro enterprises, and establish a database of private economic representatives and a talent pool. Broaden the channels for talent discovery, give full play to the roles of talent authorities, united front departments, and industry authorities, and build a talent work system that is compatible with the healthy growth of private economic people. Optimize the structure of the team of representatives, appropriately tilt toward strategic emerging industries, high-tech industries, advanced manufacturing, modern service industries, modern agriculture, and other fields, and cultivate and grow a team of private economic professionals who unswervingly follow the party and focus on development.

  (12) Strengthen education and training. We will do a good job in planning for the construction of a team of representatives of the private economy, and form a standardized and normalized education and training system. Give full play to the incentive role of the commendation for outstanding builders of socialist cause with Chinese characteristics from people in the non-public economy, and further expand its social influence. With the promotion of excellent traditional culture and excellent entrepreneurial spirit as the main content, strengthen the education and training of private entrepreneurs. Local party schools (administrative schools) at all levels pay attention to strengthening the education and training of party members and private economic people. Adhere to political standards, actively and steadily do a good job in recruiting party members among outstanding private economic representatives, and promptly absorb private economic representatives with good political qualities, high public recognition, and party membership requirements into the party. If the unit does not have a party organization, the party committee (party group) at or above the county level can organize the personnel department to directly contact and train.

  (13) Regulate political arrangements. Adhere to the selection and employment standards of strong ideology and politics, strong industry representativeness, strong ability to participate in politics and deliberation, and good social reputation, strictly control the selection of candidates for politics and compliance with laws and regulations, and solicit opinions from the enterprise party organization and various parties in advance according to regulations. Improve the comprehensive evaluation system for representatives of the private economy to ensure the quality of selection and employment. Do a good job in the pilot work of private entrepreneurs serving as chairman of the provincial federation of industry and commerce. Properly do a good job in recommending outstanding private entrepreneurs as candidates for the members of the people's congresses and CPPCC standing committees at all levels, and secure the entrance. Carry out the employment of private entrepreneurs as special inspectors and special inspectors. Guide the representatives of the private economy to strengthen their awareness of performing their duties and establish a sound performance evaluation system and exit mechanism.

  (14) Strengthen the training of the younger generation. Formulate and implement a plan to promote the healthy growth of young people in the private economy, and increase education and training. Give full play to the role of the older generation of private entrepreneurs, vigorously promote the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, pay attention to the construction of family, family education and family style, guide the younger generation to inherit and carry forward the glorious tradition of listening to and following the party, and strive to realize the handover of new and old careers And orderly inheritance.


        5. Support and serve the high-quality development of the private economy

   Persevering in focusing on the center, serving the overall situation, and promoting the high-quality development of the private economy is an integral part of the united front work of the private economy and an important criterion for measuring the effectiveness of work.

   (15) Promote the practice of new development concepts. Strengthen education on the situation and policies, vigorously select and establish advanced models, guide private economic personnel to plan to promote enterprise reform and development in accordance with the new development concept, make full use of the various industry-university-research docking platforms established by the government, and give play to the activeness of private enterprises in technological innovation and achievement transformation effect. Carry out in-depth investigations and studies to promptly reflect and promote the resolution of institutional and institutional obstacles faced by private enterprises in their transformation and upgrading. Guide the private economy people to adhere to stability, adhere to the industry, strengthen the main business, strengthen bottom line thinking, enhance risk awareness, and effectively prevent and resolve operational risks, especially financial risks.

   (16) Encourage participation in major national strategies. Relying on the united front to organize and mobilize private economic professionals to devote themselves to major national strategies such as innovation-driven development strategies, to achieve enterprise development while serving the overall situation of national economic construction, and to enhance the ideological realm and career pattern. Strengthen exchanges and cooperation with key countries and regions in the field of industry and commerce social organizations and their institutions in China, and give full play to the role of the Federation of Industry and Commerce in relevant international cooperation mechanisms. Guide private enterprises to actively participate in the “Belt and Road” construction, consciously safeguard national interests, and establish a good image of Chinese private enterprises.

   (seventeen) support to participate in the comprehensive deepening of reforms. Guide the private economy to correctly treat the benefits adjustment brought about by the reform, understand the reform, support the reform, participate in the reform, and provide wise words and pragmatic strategies for comprehensively deepening the reform. Encourage private enterprises to participate in the reform of mixed ownership. Guide private enterprises to improve their corporate governance structure and explore the establishment of a modern corporate system with Chinese characteristics. Promote private enterprises to actively strengthen exchanges and cooperation with world-class enterprises and outstanding state-owned enterprises, and continuously improve their operational capabilities and management levels.

  (18) Continuously optimize the business environment. With the promotion of fair market competition and equal protection of property rights as the key, we will promote the construction of a market-oriented, legalized, and internationalized business environment. Educate and guide private economic people to establish legal awareness, adhere to law-abiding operations, and consciously maintain fair, open and transparent market rules. Strengthen the statistics, monitoring and analysis of the private economy, and vigorously promote service management innovation. Give full play to the advantageous role of the Federation of Industry and Commerce and the Chamber of Commerce, actively participate in the assessment of business environment, and actively cooperate with relevant departments to identify and correct wrongful cases of infringement of the property rights of private enterprises in accordance with the law, and prevent and dispose of arrears in private enterprises.

   VI. Establish a sound government-enterprise communication and consultation system

   Promoting the establishment of pro-Qing political and business relations is an important task of the private economic united front work. Relying on the united front to carry out communication and consultation between government and enterprises is the key to building a pro-Qing political and business relationship.

   (19) Regulate the content of communication and negotiation. Including the analysis and judgment of the economic situation and the development of the private economy, economic and social development and industrial development planning, annual economic work deployment, important reform measures and corporate-related policies, formulation and revision of important corporate-related laws and regulations, optimizing the business environment, and building a pro-Qing political and business Relations, common problems faced by private enterprises in the development, risk prevention and crisis management of key private enterprises, etc.

   (20) Innovative communication and negotiation forms. Party committees, governments and relevant departments at all levels listen to the opinions and suggestions of representatives of private enterprises and industry associations and chambers of commerce on matters for consultation. The main responsible comrades of party committees and governments at all levels communicate relevant situations, focus on development problems, discuss solutions, and establish a sound communication results supervision and feedback mechanism through discussions with representatives of private enterprises and industry associations and chambers of commerce. Establish a special survey system for representatives of the private economy, and conduct key surveys and surveys every year. Party and government leaders and relevant departments must carefully listen to the opinions and suggestions put forward by the survey. The private economy occupies a relatively large area. The party committee and the government hold economic work conferences and conferences related to the development of the private economy. The National People's Congress formulates and revises relevant local regulations and may invite representatives of private enterprises and industry associations and chambers of commerce to participate. Relevant departments should generally entrust industry associations and chambers of commerce to provide opinions when formulating industry standards and regulations.

   (21) Strengthen liaison services for chambers of commerce and private enterprises. Establish a system for party and government leaders to contact chambers of commerce, focusing on industry and professional chambers of commerce and township and neighborhood chambers of commerce, and smooth channels for chambers of commerce to report the situation and make suggestions to the party committee and government. Regulate the contacts and exchanges between party and government leaders and private economic figures, formulate positive and negative lists, encourage cadres to take the initiative and serve forward, and urge cadres to keep the bottom line of interactions, prevent corruption risks, and be "pro-" and "accurate" and "clean" promising. The United Front Work Department and the Federation of Industry and Commerce must take the initiative to go deep into private enterprises, promptly report and help solve difficulties and problems.

   (Twenty-two) Improve the mechanism for reflecting the demands of private enterprises and safeguarding their rights and interests. Guide private economic individuals to rationally reflect their demands and protect their rights and interests in accordance with the law. Maintain the normal operating order of enterprises in accordance with the law, respect and protect the legal personal and property rights of entrepreneurs. Improve diversified dispute resolution mechanisms such as mediation, arbitration, and litigation, and resolve civil and commercial disputes of private enterprises in a timely and effective manner.

   Seven, give full play to the role of the Federation of Industry and Commerce and the Chamber of Commerce

  The Federation of Industry and Commerce and its affiliated chambers of commerce are important organizational support for the united front work of the private economy. It is necessary to deepen the reform and construction of the Federation of Industry and Commerce, cultivate and develop Chinese characteristic chambers of commerce organizations, and promote the effective coverage of the united front work to chambers of commerce organizations.

   (23) Promote the reform and development of the Federation of Industry and Commerce. Focusing on the theme of promoting the "two health" work, adhere to the establishment of political associations, unity and establishment of associations, service development of associations, reform and strengthening of associations, and actively explore organizational systems, operating mechanisms and activities that demonstrate the organic unity of united front, economic, and non-governmental advantages. Continuously enhance the cohesion, execution and influence of the Federation of Industry and Commerce. Give full play to the leading role of the Federation of Industry and Commerce in the ideological and political construction of private economic personnel, the main channel role in the orderly political participation of private economic personnel, the service role in the reform and development of private enterprises, and the protection and improvement of people’s livelihood and innovating social governance The synergistic effect of the government, the democratic supervision of the equal protection of property rights in accordance with the law, and efforts to build the Federation of Industry and Commerce into a "home of private economic people." Actively explore effective ways to better utilize the functions of the Federation of Industry and Commerce as a private chamber of commerce (General Chamber of Commerce). Innovate service, training and rights protection platform carriers, accelerate the construction of the "Online Federation of Industry and Commerce", and further enhance the overall efficiency of work.

   (twenty-four) promote the effective coverage of united front work to the chamber of commerce. Strengthen the party building work of chambers of commerce affiliated to the Federation of Industry and Commerce, and explore and improve the effective mechanism of party organization leadership and management of the party building work of the affiliated chambers of commerce. Explore the establishment of a united front work liaison system in the party organization of the Chamber of Commerce under the Federation of Industry and Commerce. Actively cultivate and develop chambers of commerce affiliated to the Federation of Industry and Commerce, so that the chambers of commerce will cover all industries and fields of private economic development. Encourage and guide private enterprises to join the chamber of commerce, and the development of members of the chamber of commerce shall not set thresholds such as asset scale. For industry associations and chambers of commerce with private enterprises and private economic figures as the main body, the Federation of Industry and Commerce shall strengthen contacts, guidance and services. Transfer or entrust the public service functions provided by the chamber of commerce to the chamber of commerce. Through government procurement of services, etc., support and help chambers of commerce to better undertake public services and participate in social services. Encourage qualified places to issue local regulations or government regulations to standardize and promote the development of industry associations and chambers of commerce. Accelerate the registration of chambers of commerce affiliated to the Federation of Industry and Commerce.

   (Twenty-five) Guiding private entrepreneurs' related organizations to develop in an orderly manner. Do a good job in the organization of private entrepreneurs in accordance with the work policy of finding out the situation, actively contacting, supervising according to law, and actively guiding. Entrepreneur-related organizations that have not been registered as associations shall not engage in association activities. Entrepreneur-related organizations that have been registered by the market supervision department but mainly carry out association activities shall be cleaned up and rectified, and those that meet the requirements shall be registered and managed in accordance with the law. Strengthen the guidance and management of forums, seminars, lecture halls, salons and other activities held by entrepreneur-related organizations.

   8. Strengthen the Party's leadership over the private economic united front work

   Private economic united front work is an important work of the whole party. It is necessary to put the strengthening of the private economic united front work on an important agenda, and under the unified leadership of the party committee, form a private economic united front work pattern with clear division of labor and efficient coordination in all aspects.

   (twenty-six) improve the leadership system and mechanism. Party committees at all levels should rely on the united front work leading group to establish and improve the coordination mechanism for the private economic united front work, regularly study deployment, and coordinate the promotion of the private economic united front work. It is necessary to give full play to the leading and coordinating role of the united front department of the party committee in the united front work of the private economy, and give full play to the role of bridge, bond and assistant of the Federation of Industry and Commerce.

   (27) Strengthen organizational security. Enrich the united front work force of the private economy, and select and strengthen the relevant business departments of the United Front Work Department and the cadres of the Federation of Industry and Commerce according to the requirements of being both proficient in united front work and familiar with economic work. The united front departments of the party committees of cities and counties with heavy tasks must coordinate existing resources, enrich their work force, and ensure the development of work.

   (28) Strengthen capacity building. Strengthen education and training, pay attention to practice and exercise, comprehensively improve the overall quality of the private economic united front cadres, and further enhance the ability to grasp problems from the overall situation, respond to risks and challenges, communicate and coordinate, and develop and innovate, providing a powerful force for the united front work of the private economy in the new era support.

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The General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued the "Opinions on Strengthening the United Front Work of Private Economy in the New Era"

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