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What should I pay attention to when transporting hazardous chemicals? How to do emergency response?

(Summary description)Dangerous goods transportation is a type of special transportation. Generally, only after being strictly reviewed by relevant national functional departments and possessing the corresponding facilities and equipment that can ensure the safe transportation of dangerous goods can they be eligible for dangerous goods transportation.

What should I pay attention to when transporting hazardous chemicals? How to do emergency response?

(Summary description)Dangerous goods transportation is a type of special transportation. Generally, only after being strictly reviewed by relevant national functional departments and possessing the corresponding facilities and equipment that can ensure the safe transportation of dangerous goods can they be eligible for dangerous goods transportation.


  Dangerous goods transportation is a type of special transportation. Generally, only after being strictly reviewed by relevant national functional departments and possessing the corresponding facilities and equipment that can ensure the safe transportation of dangerous goods can they be eligible for dangerous goods transportation.

  Because dangerous goods are flammable, explosive, and highly corrosive, their transportation is extremely dangerous! If the transportation of dangerous chemicals is improper or an accident occurs during driving, it may cause serious consequences to surrounding vehicles, personnel and the environment!

  What are the precautions for the safe driving of hazardous chemical transport vehicles?

  What are the requirements for emergency response?

  One, five checks before going on the road

  01 Whether the vehicle number plate is installed intact, whether the safety inspection signs and insurance signs are placed correctly, whether the driving permit, road transport permit, and road transport permit for highly toxic chemicals are complete and valid, and carry it with the vehicle.

  02 Whether the safety devices such as vehicle sign lights, sign boards, reflective signs, side rear guards, fire extinguishers, etc. are in good condition, and whether the satellite positioning device is working properly.

  03 Whether the safety systems such as vehicle braking, lighting and steering meet the operating requirements, whether the tire specifications are qualified and the wear is normal.

  04 Whether the emergency shut-off device of the liquid dangerous goods transportation tanker is well installed and closed.

  05 Whether the driver’s license, driver’s and escort’s qualification certificates and other certificates are complete and valid, and carry it with you.

  2. Five cautions when driving safely

  01 Choose reasonable driving routes with good traffic conditions, stay away from towns and residential areas, and do not enter the prohibited areas of dangerous goods transport vehicles. Vehicles for transporting highly toxic chemicals must drive in accordance with the time and route approved by the public security organs and shall not be changed at will.

  02 Maintain a safe driving speed. In any case, the driving speed should not exceed 80 kilometers per hour. The speed should be reduced at night, under low visibility conditions such as rain, fog, ice, and snow.

  03 Keep a reasonable distance between the vehicle and the vehicle ahead, and increase the separation distance in severe weather such as rain, fog, ice and snow.

  04 Traffic lanes are not allowed to change arbitrarily, and highway traffic must drive in the specified lane.

  05 Drivers should keep their attention, stop and rest every 2 hours or so of driving, and check the technical status of the vehicle in time to ensure that the emergency shut-off valve is closed.

  3. Five points for loading and unloading cargo

  01 Dangerous goods transportation enterprises, vehicles, drivers, escorts, and stevedores must obtain corresponding qualifications.

  02 The loading medium is consistent with the spraying medium of the tank and the medium specified in the vehicle road transport certificate.

  03 The loading of dangerous goods is symmetrical and balanced, and the whole is fixed, so that one car is one cargo, and different dangerous goods cannot be mixed or overloaded.

  04 After the dangerous goods are loaded, the name, shape, quantity, disposal method, and company contact information of the dangerous goods shall be recorded in writing and carried with the vehicle.

  05 After the liquid dangerous cargo tanker is loaded, the emergency shut-off valve should be closed to ensure that there is no damage and no leakage.

  4. Three requirements for emergency response

  01 In case of emergencies such as vehicle breakdowns, accidents, leakage of goods, etc., according to the different nature of the goods such as explosion, flammability, corrosion, toxic, radiation, etc., properly handle them in accordance with the corresponding emergency response plan and operating procedures.

  02 If the vehicle obstructs traffic and is difficult to move, the hazard warning lights must be turned on according to the regulations. On ordinary roads, set warning signs at 50 to 100 meters behind the vehicle, and at 150 meters behind the vehicle on highways, and turn on the marker lights and rear position at night. light.

  03 When it cannot be disposed of in advance, the vehicle should be parked in a place as open as possible, away from people and water sources, and report in time. The name, shape, quantity and leakage of dangerous goods should be specified in the report, so that relevant departments can effectively dispose of it in the first time.

  If there is an accident on the hazardous chemicals transport vehicle

  even obstructed passage

  The drivers and passengers behind or residents along the route

  What are the issues that should be paid attention to in self-rescue escape?

  One, take precautions before they happen, pay attention to these details in time

  01 Pay attention to the way of following the car

  First of all, we must pay attention to the identification of hazardous chemical transport vehicles. At present, the vehicles that transport hazardous chemicals are mainly tank trucks, and some hazardous chemicals are also transported by trucks. According to relevant regulations, hazardous chemicals transportation vehicles should place "dangerous goods" signs in conspicuous positions. When social vehicles are driving, they should try to avoid running in parallel with hazardous chemical transport vehicles, keep a distance when overtaking or meeting vehicles, and do not deliberately change lanes or add congestion.

  When the traffic volume is large or the road vehicles are moving slowly, you may have to follow the hazardous chemical transport vehicle for a long time. Due to the larger mass of the tanker body and greater inertia of the entire vehicle after loading, special attention should be paid to the following distance. Generally speaking, a certain distance should be maintained between the vehicle behind and the hazardous chemical transport vehicle; when the road is congested, the vehicle behind will generally keep a distance of 1-2 parking spaces from the vehicle in front. This is for the driver of the following vehicle to ensure braking and sliding. It is a safe distance not to rear-end the vehicle ahead. Don’t rush to become the vehicle ahead of them.

  02 Pay attention to the type of goods

  If you have to follow a hazardous chemical transport vehicle for a long time while driving, it is recommended that drivers and passengers pay attention to the type of transport of the hazardous chemical transport vehicle while ensuring safety. The names of hazardous chemicals are generally sprayed on the bottom or body of the tank at the rear of the car. If the car fails, the correct self-rescue measures can be taken as soon as possible.

  03 Pay attention to the surrounding environment

  If an accident occurs in the hazardous chemical transport vehicle next to him and the road is blocked, the drivers and passengers of the surrounding vehicles should leave the scene as soon as possible. However, there are many types of hazardous chemicals, and the nature of the danger is different. How to safely evacuate is also closely related to the surrounding water body, weather, terrain, wind direction and other factors. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the surrounding environment on the premise of ensuring driving safety, and to ensure that the correct escape direction and route are selected when evacuation.

  04 Hazardous chemicals transportation accident escape and alarm points

  When escaping, you should first withdraw from the scene to avoid secondary accidents with other normal vehicles. Do not go retrograde, cross or walk on the highway. Please pay attention to road shoulders and ditches when turning out the guardrail (dangerous goods and liquids may collect here). Pay attention to the flow of traffic when evacuating the bridge and tunnel section, and evacuate the highway as soon as possible to the area with a slope or shoulder.

  After escaping to a safe zone, drivers and passengers and residents along the route should immediately dial 119 to contact the fire department for rescue.

  Second, the first move is to be dismantled. In these situations, escape

  01 Flammable and explosive, try to keep these things away

  Common flammable and explosive materials include combustible gas, petrochemical products, explosives and fireworks. Many flammable and explosive solids (such as ammonium nitrate, TNT, white phosphorus, etc.) may explode upon impact and friction; some even contact air and water An explosion may also occur, and its storage medium (such as kerosene) is also combustible.

  When transporting this kind of goods, you should choose to travel during the cool temperature period, pay attention to the temperature and pressure of the tank, and avoid heat and light; the driver should also be extra careful when following the car to prevent collisions; in the event of an accident of this type of vehicle, it must be the first time Stay away from the scene.

  02 Gas and liquid leakage, pay attention to the correct escape direction

  Gas and liquid can flow. When leaking, the escape route should be selected according to whether it is flammable, toxic, soluble in water, etc., combined with environmental factors.

  The windward direction is preferred when there is wind. If there is leakage of toxic, combustible gas or its volatile toxic and combustible liquid, if there is wind at the scene, it is better to escape in the upwind (upwind) direction. Choose the vertical direction on the ramp. If the accident occurs on a ramp, in addition to paying attention to the wind outwards, the vertical direction of escape must also be selected. Methane, carbon monoxide, ethylene, acetylene, etc. are lighter than air, so you should try to escape in a downhill direction in a windless environment. Benzene, chlorine, phosgene, etc. are heavier than air. In a windless environment, you should try to escape in an upward slope. If the leakage is liquid or liquefied gas, you should choose a high place to escape. It should also be noted that the temperature of some liquefied gas is extremely low, and when it leaks, it vaporizes and absorbs heat. Once contacted, it will cause severe frostbite; liquid ammonia and liquid benzene are also toxic; liquid oxygen leakage will increase the probability of explosion.

  03 In case of aquatic changes, pay special attention to slippery roads on rainy days

  Many hazardous chemicals will react chemically or physically when exposed to water, which will cause other hazards. Therefore, try to choose a high place when escaping in rain or slippery roads. At the same time, try not to touch the nearby water bodies, especially the road near the accident site. Standing water or falling rain.

  Ammonia, potassium cyanide, and sodium cyanide are all soluble in water, and can produce toxic or corrosive liquids in contact with water. When solid sodium metal contacts water, it will generate combustible hydrogen and produce strong alkaline corrosive liquid. Evacuate quickly and pay attention to the direction of escape. When a large amount of concentrated sulfuric acid leaks, a large amount of heat will be released in contact with water, causing the liquid to boil and splash and hurt people; therefore, when the concentrated sulfuric acid leaks in rainy days, you should quickly stay away from the leakage site.

  04 Corrosive acids, beware of inhaling volatile gases

  Nitric acid, sulfuric acid, and hydrochloric acid are well-known strong acids, and these corrosive acids are not only untouchable. Both hydrochloric acid and fuming concentrated sulfuric acid will volatilize corrosive steam and spread along low places. When evacuating, pay attention to the direction of escape and protect the respiratory tract. In addition, contact of nitric acid with some organic matter (such as fiber) may cause combustion, and metal (such as highway guardrails are mostly metal) will generate combustible hydrogen. Pay attention to the surrounding environment and fire prevention when evacuating.

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What should I pay attention to when transporting hazardous chemicals? How to do emergency response?

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