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2020 Youxian Hazardous Chemical Emergency Fire Fighting and Rescue Joint Drill Launched in Hunan Haohua

  • Categories:Special report
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  • Time of issue:2020-09-30
  • Views:0

(Summary description)In order to implement the spirit of the "Notice on Comprehensively Strengthening the Work of Safe Production of Hazardous Chemicals" issued by the General Office of the State Council of the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and to further promote the implementation of the three-year action requirements for special rectification of hazardous chemical safety and fire safety, further Improve emergency response and coordinated operations capabilities for hazardous chemical accidents. On September 29, 2020, a chemical fire accident handling drill in Youxian Chemical Park was carried out in Hunan Haohua Chemical Co., Ltd.

2020 Youxian Hazardous Chemical Emergency Fire Fighting and Rescue Joint Drill Launched in Hunan Haohua

(Summary description)In order to implement the spirit of the "Notice on Comprehensively Strengthening the Work of Safe Production of Hazardous Chemicals" issued by the General Office of the State Council of the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and to further promote the implementation of the three-year action requirements for special rectification of hazardous chemical safety and fire safety, further Improve emergency response and coordinated operations capabilities for hazardous chemical accidents. On September 29, 2020, a chemical fire accident handling drill in Youxian Chemical Park was carried out in Hunan Haohua Chemical Co., Ltd.

  • Categories:Special report
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2020-09-30
  • Views:0

  In order to implement the spirit of the "Notice on Comprehensively Strengthening the Work of Safe Production of Hazardous Chemicals" issued by the General Office of the State Council of the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and to further promote the implementation of the three-year action requirements for special rectification of hazardous chemical safety and fire safety, further Improve emergency response and coordinated operations capabilities for hazardous chemical accidents. On September 29, 2020, a chemical fire accident handling drill in Youxian Chemical Park was carried out in Hunan Haohua Chemical Co., Ltd.

  Executive Deputy County Mayor He Wenlong, City Fire Rescue Detachment Deputy Chief Zou Lianli, Deputy County Mayor Yang Zhengwu, High-tech Zone Director Yang Li, County Emergency Bureau Director Liu Wenyong, and Haohua Chemical General Manager Yuan Liang attended.

  Disaster conditions set Haohua Company's No. 1 insecticidal single workshop caused a fire due to lightning strikes, causing equipment failures and explosion accidents. The fire spread to the entire workshop and people were trapped. According to the actual situation of the region, the drill set up 7 categories of drill subjects, including initial handling, 119 police receiving system, fire detection and initial fire control, emergency avoidance and self-rescue, internal and external attack and fire fighting. The drill adopts the methods of on-site, actual combat, interaction between the command center and the site, the main drill site and the sub-drill site in parallel, covering all aspects of emergency rescue and handling of accidents. The exercise carried out the purpose of government rescue forces being the mainstay and social emergency forces actively participating. It involved nearly 200 participants and simulators, and more than 20 exercise vehicles, distributed in multiple locations, including public security, fire fighting, 120 first aid, and Red Cross governments. Departments and social emergency forces such as rescue, emergency, and general aviation actively cooperated and participated, and various rescue equipment and information methods were fully utilized.

  Through this actual combat exercise, we will further improve the ability to deal with fire accidents in flammable and explosive places, fire fighting and rescue emergency response capabilities, strengthen the organization and command capabilities of commanders at all levels, and the cooperative combat capabilities among participating units, and fully test the backbone of fire emergency rescue. The combat capability and the ability to deal with emergencies have accumulated valuable combat experience in dealing with fire accidents in flammable and explosive places, and laid a good foundation for the safety and stability of the jurisdiction.




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2020 Youxian Hazardous Chemical Emergency Fire Fighting and Rescue Joint Drill Launched in Hunan Haohua

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