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Major pests and diseases will occur in 2020, and the demand for pesticides in my country is expected to maintain rapid growth

(Summary description)According to reports, on April 21, 2020, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs held a video conference on the implementation of the prevention and control of major crop diseases and insect pests nationwide. At the meeting

Major pests and diseases will occur in 2020, and the demand for pesticides in my country is expected to maintain rapid growth

(Summary description)According to reports, on April 21, 2020, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs held a video conference on the implementation of the prevention and control of major crop diseases and insect pests nationwide. At the meeting


  According to reports, on April 21, 2020, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs held a video conference on the implementation of the prevention and control of major crop diseases and insect pests nationwide. At the meeting, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs stated that it is expected that major diseases and insect pests such as wheat stripe rust, head blight, and Spodoptera frugiperda will occur in my country this year. It is necessary to fight against disasters and achieve a good harvest. The key implementation includes the promotion of classification and implementation of policies, and the division of pests and diseases. Five measures included.

  It is understood that the adult Spodoptera frugiperda was discovered in 228 counties in my country recently, about two months earlier than in 2019. In addition, the previously issued "National Plan for Prevention and Control of Spodoptera frugiperda in 2020" pointed out that the occurrence of Spodoptera frugiperda in 2020 has the characteristics of large insect source base, earlier migration time to the north, and expansion of the occurrence area. It is estimated that the country needs to control 80 million areas. To 100 million mu times. According to relevant analysis, the prevention and control plan of Spodoptera frugiperda may lead to an increase in the use of related pesticides. In summary, my country's pesticide demand market is vast, and the demand for pesticides will maintain rapid growth in the next five years.

  Since the beginning of 2019, with the increase in the number of companies meeting the conditions for resumption of production and the gradual release of new production capacity, the supply of pesticides in my country has improved. Although at the beginning of 2020, due to the impact of the epidemic, my country's pesticide market has declined; however, as the epidemic has improved, the resumption of work and production has accelerated, and the arrival of spring farming has increased the demand for crop production activities, and my country's pesticide market has improved. Data show that in 2019, China's cumulative production of pesticides was 2.254 million tons, a year-on-year decrease of 0.2%; among them, the output in December was 209,000 tons; by March 2020, my country's chemical pesticide technical production was 495,000 tons, a year-on-year decrease of 7.8%; Among them, 228,000 tons in March, an increase of 3.6% year-on-year; China's pesticide supply is expected to be around 2.2 million tons in 2020.

  Monthly output of pesticides in my country from March 2018 to March 2020

  Data source: public data collation

  my country's cumulative monthly output of pesticides from March 2018 to March 2020

  Data source: public data collation

  In the current pesticide market, insecticides dominate, reaching 40%; followed by herbicides and fungicides, which account for 36.45% and 22.13% respectively.

  The current distribution of pesticide market structure in my country

  Data source: public data collection (WW)

  The above data refers to the "Analysis Report of China's Pesticide Industry in 2020-Industry In-Depth Investigation and Development Prospect Forecast".

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Major pests and diseases will occur in 2020, and the demand for pesticides in my country is expected to maintain rapid growth

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