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From September 26, officially say goodbye to paraquat!

  • Categories:Industry Information
  • Author:Shanghai Zhongnong
  • Origin:Southern Rural News
  • Time of issue:2020-09-25
  • Views:0

(Summary description)On September 25, with the expiry date of the last batch of paraquat glue, paraquat, a product that has been used in China for more than 40 years, officially withdrew from the domestic market.

From September 26, officially say goodbye to paraquat!

(Summary description)On September 25, with the expiry date of the last batch of paraquat glue, paraquat, a product that has been used in China for more than 40 years, officially withdrew from the domestic market.

  • Categories:Industry Information
  • Author:Shanghai Zhongnong
  • Origin:Southern Rural News
  • Time of issue:2020-09-25
  • Views:0

  On September 25, with the expiry date of the last batch of paraquat glue, paraquat, a product that has been used in China for more than 40 years, officially withdrew from the domestic market.

  In fact, the news surrounding the ban on paraquat has been controversial. For a long time after the paraquat water was banned, the paraquat glue has been legally promoted and used in the market, and some foreign countries still allow the sale of paraquat. Therefore, some people in the industry have always had high expectations for the lifting of the ban on paraquat.

  Especially in March this year, Red Sun issued an announcement stating that breakthroughs have been made in the research and development of paraquat antidote, and plans to invest in new preclinical research and clinical trials of paraquat antidote, in order to obtain the drug regulatory authority as soon as possible Approval. This also led to speculation about the lifting of the ban on paraquat.

  However, recently the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs issued a notice on strengthening the management of paraquat, which officially ended the sales of paraquat in the domestic market.

  Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: Paraquat products cannot be sold domestically

  On September 25, the General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs issued the "Notice on Effectively Strengthening the Special Remediation of Paraquat". In the notification, it pointed out that in recent years, the special remediation of paraquat has achieved remarkable results, but there are still illegal additions of paraquat in some areas. , The illegal operation of paraquat has caused paraquat poisoning accidents to occur from time to time, causing adverse social impacts.

  In order to thoroughly implement the "Regulations on Pesticide Management", Ministry of Agriculture Announcements No. 1745 and 2445, and Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Announcement No. 269, strictly implement paraquat supervision measures, continue to deepen the special rectification of paraquat, and maintain people’s lives, health and safety, This notice is specially formulated.

  The notice stipulates that only those manufacturers of paraquat mother medicines that have the production license of paraquat mother medicine and registered for pesticide use only abroad can produce paraquat products. Paraquat products produced by paraquat parent drug manufacturers can only be used for export and cannot be sold within the country. Paraquat production companies sell paraquat to overseas purchasing companies and may not sell them to domestic companies.

  In addition to the notification, the manufacturer of the parent drug of paraquat is required to report and summarize the production of paraquat on a regular basis. It also clearly stated that those without a production license will no longer retain their paraquat mother drugs and preparations only for pesticide registration certificates for overseas use. Those who have obtained the production license for the parent drug of paraquat and no longer meet the prescribed conditions and have no intention to continue the production of paraquat shall no longer retain their production license for the parent drug of paraquat.

  At the same time, the notice emphasized the need to strengthen supervision and inspection of the pesticide market, focusing on checking whether there is any illegal operation of paraquat products. It is necessary to strengthen the supervision and random inspection of diquat, glyphosate, glufosinate and other biocidal herbicide products, focusing on random inspections for illegal addition of paraquat hidden ingredients. Once illegal additions are found, the source shall be traced back and the purchase shall be traced in time Sources and production sources, resolutely crack down on illegal addition of paraquat hidden ingredients in accordance with the law.

  Expand: The past and present of paraquat

  Paraquat was first developed and produced in the United Kingdom, and began to be mass-produced and applied in the market in the 1960s.

  In 1984, paraquat entered China for the first time (there is also a saying that is in the mid-1970s). By the 1990s, the annual consumption of paraquat in China had increased from hundreds of tons to more than 5,000 tons. But at that time it was still mainly imported.

  Until the emergence of "the father of Chinese paraquat" Li Dejun, my country's paraquat production technology has made new breakthroughs, breaking the British monopoly, and becoming the second country in the world to master the paraquat production process.

  At the beginning of the 21st century, domestic production of paraquat products started independently. Its market sales also increased from 7,800 tons in 2001 to 45,400 tons in 2011, and the production capacity of paraquat reached 73,000 tons in 2013.

  In 2012, the Ministry of Agriculture (now Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs), together with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine issued Announcement No. 1745, stating that from the date of announcement, the approval of new paraquat parent drug production and preparation processing plants will cease Stop accepting applications for new field trials, registration applications and production licenses (including production licenses and production approval documents, the same below) for mother drugs and liquids (including paraquat compound water formulations, the same below), and stop approving new additions Registration and production license of paraquat mother medicine and liquid products.

  Since July 1, 2014, the registration and production license of paraquat liquid will be revoked, production will be stopped, the registration of the export of the parent drug manufacturer's liquid medicine will be retained, and the exclusive export production will be allowed. On July 1, 2016, the liquid medicine will be stopped. Domestic sales and use.

  On July 10, 2015, the seventeenth plenary meeting of the Eighth National Pesticide Registration Review Committee revised the toxicity of paraquat from highly toxic to highly toxic. Subsequently, the country has become increasingly determined to ban paraquat.

  Announcement No. 2445 issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs in September 2016 again clarified that from the date of announcement, field trials and registration applications for paraquat will no longer be accepted and approved, and applications for renewal registration for domestic use of paraquat will no longer be accepted or approved. The registration of export overseas use of the parent drug manufacturer’s products is retained, and the parent drug manufacturer can apply to change the existing registration to a registration for export overseas use only when renewing the registration.

  On June 29, 2017, the Planting Industry Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs clearly stated in its response to Recommendation No. 3326 of the Fifth Session of the Twelfth National People’s Congress: Paraquat is a non-selective herbicide, but it has no specific antidote. The mortality rate is high, the death process is long, the patient is extremely painful, and the society has strong calls for prohibition. In order to maintain people's lives and health and ensure the safe production and use of paraquat, the Ministry of Agriculture (now Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs) has successively adopted relevant measures in recent years to strengthen the pesticide registration, production, sales and use management of paraquat products. First, the registration of paraquat products is no longer approved. The second is to completely ban paraquat in 2020.

  As of that time, there was only one 20% paraquat sol (registration number PD20131912) product sold by one company on the market. The pesticide registration certificate for this product is valid until September 25, 2018, and no pesticides will be given after expiration. Registration continues. After September 25, 2020, paraquat products will no longer be sold or used in the Chinese market.

  At this point, the banning of paraquat has come to an end, and alternatives such as glyphosate, glufosinate, and diquat have also appeared on the market. However, endless cases of illegal addition and use of paraquat have made paraquat appear in people's eyes from time to time. In particular, the "Killing the Fish" incident in 2018 has triggered discussions on the safety of paraquat.

  To this end, the national agricultural authorities have continuously introduced measures to strengthen strict supervision of the paraquat market. However, there are also calls for the reactivation of paraquat. Since paraquat is currently still sold and used in more than 90 countries around the world, and there is still paraquat in the list of designated operations announced by the government in 2017, before paraquat is officially banned, some people also hold that paraquat will be lifted. look forward to.

  On September 25, 2020, it happened to be the date when the last batch of paraquat products expired. On the same day, the General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs issued the "Notice on Effectively Strengthening the Special Remediation of Paraquat". Domestic enterprises legally produce The paraquat products can only be used for export, not for domestic sales. So far, paraquat products have officially been part of the domestic market.

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From September 26, officially say goodbye to paraquat!

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