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Relevant authorities and major policies and regulations of the pesticide industry

(Summary description)The competent authorities of the pesticide industry mainly include the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Agriculture, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, the China Pesticide Industry Association, the State Administration of Work Safety and environmental protection departments at all levels

Relevant authorities and major policies and regulations of the pesticide industry

(Summary description)The competent authorities of the pesticide industry mainly include the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Agriculture, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, the China Pesticide Industry Association, the State Administration of Work Safety and environmental protection departments at all levels


  1. Industry authorities and industry associations

  The competent departments of the pesticide industry mainly include the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Agriculture, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, the China Pesticide Industry Association, the State Administration of Work Safety and environmental protection departments at all levels. Their functions are described in the following table:

  2. Pesticide industry management system

  Pesticide is an important means of production in agricultural production. The safety of its production, circulation, and use is directly related to the healthy development of the pesticide industry and agricultural production. In order to strengthen the supervision and management of the production, operation and use of pesticides, ensure the quality of pesticides, protect agricultural production and the ecological environment, and maintain the safety of humans and animals, my country implements pesticide production enterprise approval, pesticide registration, and pesticide production license systems.

  my country’s current pesticide management laws and regulatory documents mainly include:

  (1) Industry entry permit system

  According to the "Pesticide Management Regulations" and "Pesticide Production Management Measures", my country implements a pesticide production enterprise approval system. The establishment of pesticide production enterprises (including joint ventures, establishment of branch plants and pesticide production workshops of non-pesticide production enterprises) shall be submitted to the National Development and Reform Commission for approval after preliminary examination by the provincial competent department. According to the "Notice of the State Council on Printing and Distributing the Provisions on the Main Responsibilities and Staffing of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology", the establishment of pesticide production enterprises after July 11, 2008 will be approved by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. The application and approval shall meet the following conditions: have technical personnel and skilled workers suitable for the pesticides they produce; have workshops, production facilities and sanitary environments suitable for the pesticides they produce; have facilities and corresponding national labor safety and health standards Labor safety and hygiene management system; there are product quality standards and product quality assurance systems; the pesticides produced are pesticides that have obtained pesticide registration according to law; there are pollution prevention facilities and measures that meet the national environmental protection requirements, and the pollutant discharge does not exceed the state And local emission standards. The validity period of the approval of pesticide production enterprises is five years. After five years, enterprises that request to retain the qualification of pesticide production enterprises shall apply to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology three months before the expiration of the validity period.

  (2) Pesticide product registration system

  my country implements a pesticide registration system. Pesticide production companies and companies exporting pesticides to China shall apply for pesticide registration in accordance with regulations, and new pesticide developers may apply for pesticide registration in accordance with regulations. The agency responsible for pesticide verification under the competent agricultural department of the State Council is responsible for the specific work of pesticide registration. The agencies responsible for pesticide verification under the competent agricultural departments of the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall assist in the specific work of pesticide registration in their respective administrative regions.

  Those applying for pesticide registration shall conduct registration test. To carry out pesticide registration test, the applicant should report to the competent agricultural department of the people's government at the provincial level where the test is located; the registration test of a new pesticide should also be reviewed and approved by the Ministry of Agriculture. The Ministry of Agriculture will make an examination and approval decision within 20 working days based on the results of the review. If the conditions are met, a pesticide registration test unit certificate will be issued. The validity period of the pesticide registration test unit certificate is five years. After the registration test is over, the applicant should submit an application for pesticide registration to the competent agricultural department of the people’s government of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government where it is located. The competent agricultural department of the people’s government of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government shall submit its preliminary review opinions within 20 working days from the date of acceptance , And submit it to the agricultural department of the State Council. The competent agricultural department of the State Council organizes review and registration review, and if the conditions are met, the pesticide registration certificate shall be issued; the pesticide registration certificate is valid for five years.

  (3) Pesticide production license system

  According to the "Administrative Measures for Pesticide Production Licenses" promulgated by the Ministry of Agriculture on June 21, 2017, pesticide production licenses are managed by one company and one license. A pesticide production company only issues one pesticide production license, and the agricultural competent department of the provincial people's government is responsible for accepting it. Apply for, review and issue a pesticide production license, which is valid for five years. The measures will come into effect on August 1, 2017. Pesticide production enterprises that have obtained pesticide production approval certificates or pesticide production licenses before the implementation of the measures can continue to produce corresponding pesticide products within the validity period. If the period of validity expires and it is necessary to continue to produce pesticides, the pesticide production enterprise shall apply to the provincial agricultural department for a pesticide production license in accordance with the provisions of the Measures 90 days before the expiration of the period of validity. Those who have obtained the pesticide registration certificate but have not obtained the pesticide production approval certificate or the pesticide production license before the implementation of the Measures and need to continue to produce pesticides shall obtain the pesticide production license within two years from the date of implementation of the Measures.

  (4) Pesticide product import and export management system

  The import and export of pesticides in my country complies with the "Customs Law", "Foreign Trade Law", and "Import and Export Commodity Inspection Law" as well as the "Regulations on the Administration of Import and Export of Goods", "Implementation Regulations on the Import and Export Commodity Inspection Law", and "Regulations on Pesticide Management". Ministry of Regulations, and also follow the Rotterdam Convention (PIC) and Stockholm Convention (POPs) two international conventions. The import and export of pesticides are mainly coordinated and managed by the following institutions:

  There are mainly two types of special regulatory service measures for pesticide import and export:

  The first category: specific management measures for all import and export pesticide products are jointly implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture and the General Administration of Customs. The Pesticide Inspection Institute of the Ministry of Agriculture is responsible for handling the release notice in accordance with the principle of “one batch, one certificate”, and the port customs is responsible for on-site verification. Before customs release, the Pesticide Inspection Institute of the Ministry of Agriculture will confirm whether each batch of pesticide products is a legal product registered in China. The content of the pesticide import and export release form includes the product name, quantity, import and export country, commodity code, trader and other information. The pesticide products imported and exported must be consistent with the release form.

  The second category: The overseas pesticide registration certificate is issued according to the requirements of the foreign pesticide authority. The overseas pesticide registration certificate is a credit certificate of the legality of my country's pesticide enterprises and their export products, and is issued by the Pesticide Inspection Institute of the Ministry of Agriculture.

  3. Industrial policy

  At present, the main international policies related to the pesticide industry include the following:

  The current major international policies on the pesticide industry are aimed at improving pesticide production standards, reducing the harm of pesticide residues to human health and the environment, and restricting the import and export of low-quality, high-residue, and highly polluting pesticides through trade barriers.

  At present, my country's laws, regulations and policies related to the pesticide industry mainly include the following:


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Relevant authorities and major policies and regulations of the pesticide industry

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