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The General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council issued the "Opinions on Comprehensively Strengthening the Work Safety of Hazardous Chemicals"

(Summary description)In order to learn from the lessons of major accidents in some areas and draw inferences from one another, comprehensively strengthen the safety production of hazardous chemicals, effectively prevent and defuse systemic safety risks, resolutely curb major accidents, and effectively safeguard the safety of people’s lives and properties. The following opinions are hereby offered .

The General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council issued the "Opinions on Comprehensively Strengthening the Work Safety of Hazardous Chemicals"

(Summary description)In order to learn from the lessons of major accidents in some areas and draw inferences from one another, comprehensively strengthen the safety production of hazardous chemicals, effectively prevent and defuse systemic safety risks, resolutely curb major accidents, and effectively safeguard the safety of people’s lives and properties. The following opinions are hereby offered .


  In order to learn from the lessons of major accidents in some areas and draw inferences from one another, comprehensively strengthen the safety production of hazardous chemicals, effectively prevent and defuse systemic safety risks, resolutely curb major accidents, and effectively safeguard the safety of people’s lives and properties. The following opinions are hereby offered .

  1. General requirements

  Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Plenary Sessions of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. A “comprehensive” strategic layout, adhere to the overall national security concept, follow high-quality development requirements, focus on preventing and controlling systemic safety risks, improve and implement safety production responsibility and management systems, establish safety hazard investigation and safety prevention and control systems, and strengthen the source Governance, comprehensive governance, and precise governance, focus on solving basic, source, and bottleneck issues, accelerate the realization of the modernization of the hazardous chemical safety production governance system and governance capabilities, comprehensively improve the level of safety development, and promote the continuous and stable improvement of the safety production situation for the economy Social development creates a safe and stable environment.

  2. Strengthen safety risk control

  (1) In-depth security risk investigation. In accordance with the "Guidelines for Safety Risk Inspection and Governance of Chemical Parks (Trial)" and "Guidelines for the Inspection and Governance of Safety Risks of Hazardous Chemical Enterprises" and other relevant regulations, comprehensive safety risk investigation and control of hidden dangers are carried out. Strictly implement the responsibilities of local party committees and government leaders, and combine actual detailed investigation standards, organize and implement precise safety risk investigation and assessment for hazardous chemical companies, chemical parks or chemical concentrated areas (hereinafter referred to as chemical parks), and establish a comprehensive safety risk database by classification And the information management system, distinguish the four-level security risks of “red, orange, yellow, and blue”, highlight the first and second major hazards and toxic, harmful, flammable and explosive chemical enterprises, and follow the “one enterprise, one policy” and “one park” The principle of "one policy" is to implement the strictest governance and rectification. Develop an implementation plan and organize in-depth three-year improvement actions for the safety of hazardous chemicals.

  (2) Promote the adjustment of industrial structure. Improve and promote the implementation of policies and measures for the transformation and upgrading of the chemical industry. Strictly implement the national guidance catalog for industrial structure adjustment, promptly revise and publish the catalog of outdated safety technologies and equipment, formulate, revise and strictly implement the “banned, restricted, and controlled” catalog of hazardous chemicals based on actual conditions, combine with deepening supply-side structural reforms, and eliminate them according to law The production capacity that does not meet the conditions of national and industry standards for safe production can effectively prevent and control risks. Adhere to the “one game of chess” across the country, strictly prohibit the elimination of outdated production capacity from settling in different places, setting up factories and entering parks, and holding accountable for illegally approved construction and recipients in accordance with laws and regulations.

  (3) Strict standards and specifications. Formulate construction standards, accreditation conditions and management methods for chemical parks. Integrate the safety production standards of chemicals, petrochemicals and chemical pharmaceuticals, solve the problem of inconsistent standards, and establish and improve the safety production standard system of hazardous chemicals. Improve chemical engineering and engineering design, construction and acceptance standards involving hazardous chemicals. Improve the design, manufacturing and maintenance standards of chemical and production equipment involving hazardous chemicals. Speed ​​up the formulation of technical specifications such as chemical process safety management guidelines and fine chemical reaction safety risk assessment standards. Encourage advanced chemical companies to benchmark against international standards and foreign advanced standards, and formulate corporate standards that are stricter than national or industry standards.

  3. Strengthen the safety management of the entire chain

  (4) Strict security access. All regions must insist on doing something and not doing something, determine the development position of the chemical industry, establish the development and reform, industry and informatization, natural resources, ecological environment, housing and urban-rural construction, and emergency management in the development of the chemical industry. Communication mechanism. In the newly-built chemical park, the provincial government organizes safety risk assessment, demonstration, and perfects and implements control measures. Hazardous chemical construction projects involving “two priorities and one major” (hazardous chemical processes under key supervision, hazardous chemicals under key supervision, and major sources of hazardous chemicals) shall be jointly established by relevant government departments at or above the districted city level to prevent safety risks. Control mechanism. To construct high-tech industrial development zones, economic and technological development zones or independent chemical parks with chemical parks, relevant departments should improve the implementation of safety prevention and control measures based on factors such as the completeness of the upstream and downstream industrial chains, talent base, and management capabilities. Improve and strictly implement the relevant regulations on chemical identification, evaluation and registration, scientifically and accurately evaluate the physical hazards and toxicity of chemicals, and strictly prohibit production without implementing risk prevention and control measures.

  (5) Strengthen the safety control of key links. Carry out a comprehensive assessment and compliance certification for existing chemical parks. Conduct safety reviews of newly developed chemical processes. By the end of 2020, the equipment rate of the automatic control system of the chemical plant or storage and transportation facility and the online monitoring and monitoring rate of major hazards involving "two important points and one major" will reach 100%. Strengthen the connection between the national oil and gas pipeline development plan and other special plans such as territorial space and transportation. Urge companies to vigorously promote the integrity management of oil and gas pipelines, accelerate the improvement of the geographic information system for oil and gas pipelines, and strengthen the management and control of high-consequence areas of oil and gas pipelines. Strictly implement the legal inspection system for oil and gas pipelines, and increase the coverage of oil and gas pipeline legal inspections. Strengthen the safety management of parking lots involving hazardous chemicals and include them in the information supervision platform. Strengthen the safety supervision of the entire chain of dangerous goods transportation such as consignment, transportation, loading and unloading, and vehicle operation. Improve the design standards of storage equipment such as storage tanks for hazardous chemicals. Research and establish a mandatory monitoring system for atmospheric dangerous goods storage tanks. Strictly control the passage of dangerous goods transportation vehicles on super large road bridges, super long road tunnels and drinking water sources. Strengthen the safety management of supporting storage places for dangerous goods such as ports, airports, and railway stations. Strengthen the safety management of hazardous chemicals in related enterprises, hospitals, schools, scientific research institutions and other units.

  (6) Strengthen the supervision of waste hazardous chemicals and other hazardous wastes. Carry out a comprehensive investigation of hazardous wastes such as waste hazardous chemicals (hereinafter referred to as hazardous wastes), identify and appraise solid wastes with unknown attributes, and focus on remediation of possible illegal storage, dumping, and dumping in chemical parks, chemical companies, and hazardous chemical units. Privately landfill hazardous waste and other issues to ensure the safety of hazardous waste storage, transportation and disposal. Speed ​​up the formulation of safety technical standards for hazardous waste storage. Establish and improve the system of joint bills for all aspects of hazardous waste from generation to disposal. Establish a system of departmental linkage, regional cooperation, consultation and supervision of major cases, and form a supervision system covering the entire process of hazardous waste generation, collection, storage, transfer, transportation, utilization, and disposal, and strengthen the crackdown on deliberate concealment, secret release, or illegal discharge The intensity of illegal and criminal activities in the disposal of hazardous waste in violation of regulations. Speed ​​up the research and development of comprehensive hazardous waste disposal technology and equipment, rationally plan and arrange disposal enterprises, accelerate the construction of disposal facilities, and eliminate the bottleneck of disposal capacity. Supervise and urge enterprises to organize safety risk assessment and demonstration of key environmental protection facilities and projects, as well as to investigate and manage hidden dangers.

  Fourth, strengthen the implementation of corporate responsibility

  (7) Measures to strengthen the rule of law. Actively study and amend relevant provisions of the criminal law, and strictly pursue accountability. Promote the formulation of laws related to the safety of dangerous chemicals and the transportation of dangerous goods, revise the safety production law and safety production license regulations, and strengthen the rule of law. Strictly implement the law enforcement publicity system, the record system of the entire law enforcement process, and the legal review system for major law enforcement decisions, refine the discretionary standards of administrative penalties for work safety, and strengthen precise and strict law enforcement. Implement a reward system for employees, their families, and the public to report hidden dangers in production safety, and strictly investigate and deal with reported cases in accordance with the law.

  (8) Increasing the restraint of dishonesty. The main person in charge (legal representative) of a hazardous chemical production and storage enterprise must earnestly perform its responsibilities and make safety commitments; those who have received criminal penalties or dismissal for failing to perform their safety production duties shall be subject to occupational bans; corporate management and technology The team must have the corresponding ability to perform duties, and ensure that the responsibility is to the person and the work is in place. If the investigation and management of potential safety hazards are not effective, and the risk prevention and control measures are not implemented, the relevant responsible persons shall be held accountable in accordance with laws and regulations. To evade and oppose safety production supervision and environmental protection supervision by means of concealment, deception or obstruction, illegal command and operation cause major safety hazards, change process in violation of regulations, damage monitoring and control facilities, entrainment, false report, conceal report, and conceal report Dangerous goods and other units that seriously endanger the lives and property of the people and the main responsible persons shall include them in their credit records in accordance with laws and regulations, strengthen punishments for dishonesty, and strictly monitor them.

  (9) Strengthen incentive measures. We will comprehensively promote the standardization of production safety in hazardous chemical enterprises, and give priority to the expansion and capacity expansion of the first and second level standardization enterprises, and enter the park under the same conditions, and reduce the frequency of inspections. For hazardous chemical projects encouraged by the state, the advanced dangerous goods testing and inspection equipment imported for personal use within the total investment shall be exempted from import tariffs in accordance with current policies and regulations. Implementation of special equipment investment for safety production credit and corporate income tax incentives. Raise the safety production cost extraction standard of hazardous chemical production and storage enterprises. Promote hazardous chemical companies to establish a safety production internal audit mechanism and commitment system, improve risk management and control and hidden hazard investigation and prevention mechanisms, and include them in the safety production standardization evaluation conditions.

  5. Strengthen basic support and guarantee

  (10) Improve the level of technology and information technology. Strengthen research support for hazardous chemical safety, strengthen the construction of a national scientific and technological innovation platform related to hazardous chemical safety, and carry out basic and forward-looking research. Research and establish a full life cycle information supervision system for hazardous chemicals, comprehensively utilize high-tech such as electronic tags, big data, artificial intelligence, and conduct information management and monitoring of the entire process of production, storage, transportation, use, operation, and waste disposal. , Realize the source of hazardous chemicals, traceable whereabouts, controllable status, to achieve interconnection between enterprises, regulatory agencies, law enforcement agencies and emergency rescue agencies. Unified production safety administrative punishment information into the supervision and law enforcement information system, to achieve information sharing, instead of layered filing. Strengthen the research and development of technologies and equipment for the intrinsic safety of chemical hazardous processes, the safety of large storage tanks, and the integrated risk prevention and control of safety and environmental protection in chemical parks. Promote the construction of an informatization and intelligent platform for safe production in chemical parks, and realize real-time risk monitoring and early warning of enterprises, key locations, major hazards, and infrastructure in the park. Speed ​​up the establishment of a remote monitoring system connecting emergency management departments with chemical parks and hazardous chemical companies within their jurisdiction.

  (11) Strengthen the training of professional talents. Implement the safety skills improvement action plan, and regard employees in chemical and hazardous chemical companies as the key groups for vocational skills improvement actions in high-risk industries. The main person in charge of the hazardous chemical production enterprise and the person in charge of safety production must have a chemical engineering college degree or above and some practical experience, and the full-time safety management personnel must have at least an intermediate or above chemical professional technical title or a chemical safety registered safety engineer qualification , Newly recruited front-line employees must have a chemical industry vocational education background or an ordinary high school degree or above, and receive hazardous chemical safety training. They can only start after passing the assessment. The enterprise establishes a chemical professional technical team through internal training or external employment. Key chemical areas support the construction of a number of chemical-related vocational colleges (including technical colleges), and rely on key chemical companies, chemical parks or third-party professional institutions to establish internship training bases. Incorporate chemical process safety management knowledge into the core curriculum system of chemical and pharmaceutical majors in relevant universities.

  (12) Standardize technical service cooperation mechanism. Speed ​​up the cultivation of a group of leading technical service enterprises with strong professional capabilities and good social reputation, introduce market mechanisms, and provide management and technical services for enterprises involving hazardous chemicals. Establish expert technical service specifications, and carry out precise guidance and assistance in grades and categories. Production safety liability insurance covers all hazardous chemical companies. Those who issue false reports and certifications to intermediary agencies such as safety assessment, testing and inspection, and environmental assessment document preparation units shall have their relevant qualifications or qualifications revoked in accordance with laws and regulations; if a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.

  (13) Strengthen the construction of hazardous chemical rescue teams. Coordinate the national comprehensive fire-fighting and rescue force and the professional rescue force for hazardous chemicals, and rationally plan the layout and build an emergency rescue base for hazardous chemicals based on the chemical park, radiation surroundings, and covering major storage areas. Strengthen the emergency response capacity building of hazardous chemicals along the Yangtze River. Strengthen emergency rescue equipment, improve emergency rescue plans, carry out practical training exercises, and improve regional coordinated rescue capabilities. Promote the implementation of emergency guidelines for hazardous chemical accidents and guide enterprises to improve their emergency response capabilities.

  VI. Strengthen safety supervision capabilities

  (14) Improve the regulatory system and mechanism. Incorporate major risks related to terrorism, explosions, and hazardous chemicals into the scope of national security control, improve the regulatory system, and strengthen key supervision. Further adjust and improve the safety production supervision and management system of hazardous chemicals. In accordance with the principles of “the industry must manage safety, the business must manage safety, and the production and operation must manage safety” and “who is in charge of who is responsible”, the relevant departments strictly implement the safety supervision responsibilities of all aspects of hazardous chemicals, and implement the whole subject, all types, Safety supervision of the whole chain. The emergency management department is responsible for the safety production supervision of hazardous chemicals and the comprehensive work of hazardous chemical safety supervision; in accordance with the "Regulations on the Safety Management of Hazardous Chemicals", emergency management, transportation, public security, railways, civil aviation, ecological environment and other departments are responsible for the risks. Relevant safety supervision responsibilities in the production, storage, use, operation, transportation, and disposal of chemicals; in the case where the relevant safety supervision responsibilities are not clearly defined by the department, the emergency management department assumes the overall responsibility for the comprehensive supervision and management of hazardous chemical safety. The ecological environment department shall supervise and manage the collection, storage and disposal of hazardous waste in accordance with the law. The emergency management department, the ecological environment department and other relevant departments shall establish a supervisory collaboration and joint law enforcement work mechanism, closely coordinate and cooperate to achieve timely, sufficient and effective sharing of information, form a joint force, and jointly do a good job in the safety supervision of hazardous chemicals. Improve the working mechanism of the Work Safety Committee of the State Council, study and resolve outstanding safety issues of hazardous chemicals in a timely manner, and strengthen the supervision, inspection, and assessment notification of the performance of relevant units.

  (15) Improve the law enforcement system. Establish and improve the production safety law enforcement system at the provincial, municipal, and county levels. In principle, provincial emergency management departments do not set up law enforcement teams, and internal agencies assume the responsibility of safety production supervision and law enforcement. Municipal and county emergency management departments generally implement a "combined bureau and team" system. Key counties (cities, districts, and flags) of hazardous chemicals, port areas with large storage of hazardous chemicals, and various development zones, especially development zones with chemical parks, should strengthen the responsibility for safety production supervision of hazardous chemicals, and implement implementation measures. Supervise the law enforcement responsibilities in detail, and be equipped with a strong professional law enforcement force. The details are determined by the local party committee and government, and approved according to procedures.

  (16) Improve supervision efficiency. Strictly enter the personnel of hazardous chemicals supervision and law enforcement personnel, further clarify the qualification standards, strict examination and assessment, highlight professional quality, and select the best recruitment; professional personnel can be selected through the appointment system of civil servants, and they will have a professional education and related professional safety in production by the end of 2022 The number of law enforcement personnel with practical experience is not less than 75% of the in-service personnel. Improve the training system for supervisory law enforcement personnel, with no less than 3 months of induction training, and no less than 2 weeks of retraining every year. Implement the supervision and law enforcement personnel of key counties (cities, districts, and banners) of hazardous chemicals to conduct job training in large state-owned chemical companies. Deepen the reform of “delegating management and service”, strengthen and standardize supervision during and after the event, implement dynamic and strict supervision of classification and classification on the basis of full-coverage supervision of enterprises involving hazardous chemicals, and use the “two randoms and one open” for key spot checks and surprise inspections . Severely crack down on illegal construction, production and operation activities. Provincial, municipal, and county-level emergency management departments determine a law enforcement subject for the same enterprise to avoid repeated law enforcement at multiple levels. Strengthen law enforcement supervision, not only strictly enforce the law, but also avoid simplification and "one size fits all." Vigorously promote the "Internet + supervision" and "law enforcement + experts" model, discover hidden dangers in time, and provide early warning and prevention. According to work needs, all regions recruit law enforcement assistants from the society and improve related management systems.

  Relevant departments in all regions should strengthen organization and leadership, earnestly implement the responsibility of the party and government, one post with two responsibilities, joint management, negligence of duties and accountability for safe production, integrate all conditions, and do their utmost to accelerate the promotion of safe production of hazardous chemicals. The work measures were implemented and effective, and important situations were reported to the Party Central Committee and the State Council in a timely manner.

  The above data refers to the "Analysis Report on China's Hazardous Chemicals Market in 2020-Industry In-Depth Analysis and Development Trend Research".

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The General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council issued the "Opinions on Comprehensively Strengthening the Work Safety of Hazardous Chemicals"

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