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Attention! To solve the "chemical encirclement of the river", Hubei will invest 141.3 billion yuan in 3 years!

  • Categories:Industry Information
  • Author:
  • Origin:China Pesticide Industry Association
  • Time of issue:2020-09-23
  • Views:0

(Summary description)On September 23, it was learned from a press conference held by the Information Office of the Hubei Provincial Government that the province will invest 141.3 billion yuan to solve the problem of "chemical encirclement of the river" within three years around the ecological environment to make up for the shortcomings.

Attention! To solve the "chemical encirclement of the river", Hubei will invest 141.3 billion yuan in 3 years!

(Summary description)On September 23, it was learned from a press conference held by the Information Office of the Hubei Provincial Government that the province will invest 141.3 billion yuan to solve the problem of "chemical encirclement of the river" within three years around the ecological environment to make up for the shortcomings.

  • Categories:Industry Information
  • Author:
  • Origin:China Pesticide Industry Association
  • Time of issue:2020-09-23
  • Views:0

  On September 23, it was learned from a press conference held by the Information Office of the Hubei Provincial Government that the province will invest 141.3 billion yuan to solve the problem of "chemical encirclement of the river" within three years around the ecological environment to make up for the shortcomings.

  According to the "Hubei Daily" report, Hubei Province will collect and treat medical waste and hazardous waste, relocate and relocate chemical companies along the Yangtze River, renovate rural human settlements, rectify outstanding problems in the ecological environment of the Yangtze River Economic Zone, and construct water environmental infrastructure in key river basins. Implementation of short-board projects in all areas, a total of 419 planned projects, with a total investment of 174.4 billion yuan.

  In terms of medical waste collection and treatment, Hubei Province plans to implement 23 major projects with a total investment of 5.6 billion yuan. By the end of 2022, the province will establish a relatively complete system for the collection, transfer, disposal and utilization of medical waste and hazardous waste.

  Regarding the transformation and relocation of Yanjiang Chemical Industry, Hubei Province plans to implement 257 major projects with a total investment of 141.3 billion yuan. At the end of this year, complete the restructuring and relocation of chemical enterprises within 1 km along the river; before December 31, 2022, promote the restructuring and relocation of chemical enterprises within 1 km to 15 km along the river. By advancing the relocation and transformation of chemical companies along the Yangtze River, we will accelerate the process of high-end industrial structure and eradicate the hidden dangers of chemical pollution in the Yangtze River.

  In August of this year, Hubei Province just issued the "Ten Projects for Reinvigorating and Reinforcing Shortcomings after the Epidemic in Hubei Province" Three-year Action Plan (2020-2022), aiming at ten key areas and making every effort to make up for shortcomings. .

  The plan is to actively strive for the construction of the Hubei section of the Third West-East Gas Pipeline to promote the interconnection of natural gas pipelines. The Jianli-Qianjiang oil pipeline and the Three Gorges dam overturning product oil pipeline project were completed. Coordinate and promote the intensive and large-scale construction and operation of gas storage facilities, along the main pipelines and the Yangtze River, and construct underground salt cavern gas storages, large and medium-sized liquefied natural gas (LNG) storage tanks, supplemented by local small emergency gas storage facilities Gas storage system, focusing on the construction of Qianjiang underground salt cavern gas storage, Wuhan Anshan, Baihushan, Huanggang, Yichang and other places LNG storage, Huangshi LNG tank base, forming three major storages in Qianjiang, Wuhan, and East Hubei Gas base.

  The plan also proposes to complete the transformation and relocation of chemical enterprises within 1 kilometer along the river, and promote the transformation and transformation of chemical enterprises within 1-15 kilometers along the river. Establish a recycling-type full-life-cycle green industrial chain, realize resource efficiency, recycling and "zero discharge" of waste, and improve the green development level of the park. Strengthen the professional level of safety management in the park, strengthen daily supervision, improve emergency response capabilities, and enhance the intrinsic safety of the park. Establish an integrated information management platform for safety, environmental protection, emergency rescue and public services, and build a smart park. Promote the application of high and new technology, vigorously promote the transformation of cleaner production technology, and promote the extension of the chemical industry chain to high-end.

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Attention! To solve the "chemical encirclement of the river", Hubei will invest 141.3 billion yuan in 3 years!

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