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State Council Order! Eliminate all unnecessary environmental law enforcement! Check up to 2 times a year!

  • Categories:Industry Information
  • Author:Shanghai Zhongnong
  • Origin:Guangzhou Chemical Trading Center
  • Time of issue:2020-09-28
  • Views:0

(Summary description)2020 is the final year of winning the battle to defend the blue sky, and it is also a critical year for scientifically planning the "14th Five-Year" air pollution control plan.

State Council Order! Eliminate all unnecessary environmental law enforcement! Check up to 2 times a year!

(Summary description)2020 is the final year of winning the battle to defend the blue sky, and it is also a critical year for scientifically planning the "14th Five-Year" air pollution control plan.

  • Categories:Industry Information
  • Author:Shanghai Zhongnong
  • Origin:Guangzhou Chemical Trading Center
  • Time of issue:2020-09-28
  • Views:0

  2020 is the final year of winning the battle to defend the blue sky, and it is also a critical year for scientifically planning the "14th Five-Year" air pollution control plan.

  When dealing with environmental issues, some regulatory agencies do not ask questions or disagree, regardless of whether it is illegal or not. In the past two or three years of local environmental protection remediation, "one size fits all" approach is not uncommon.

  Recently, many places have once again attacked the "one size fits all" problem in the ecological environment.

  The State Council: Repeated law enforcement by multiple authorities, seriously endangering corporate interests

  According to the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Ministry has reviewed and approved in principle the "Report on the Special Rectification Work of "One Size Cuts All" Issues of Ecological and Environmental Issues that are strongly reflected to the masses." The Ministry of Ecology and Environment requires that "one size fits all" problems should be discovered together, investigated and dealt with together, and never tolerated; the problems of "one size fits all" caused by unscientific policies, incompetence, and unsound work style should be resolved from a deep level.


  This year, the General Office of the State Council issued the "Notice on Issues Concerning Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement of Ecological Environment Protection". It is necessary to steadily promote the reform of comprehensive administrative law enforcement for ecological environmental protection, coordinate the allocation of administrative law enforcement functions and law enforcement resources, and effectively solve the problem of multiple layers of repeated law enforcement. Standardize fair and civilized law enforcement.

  Multiple emergency response

  · Jiangsu: Environmental inspections are inspected up to 2 times a year! Reduce surprise inspections! Recently, the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment issued the "Opinions on Strengthening the Protection of Enterprise Property Rights in the Process of Ecological Environmental Supervision and Management", which passed the standard for all law-abiding enterprises. Enterprises are exempted, and “one size fits all” environmental protection is strictly prohibited, and corporate property rights are protected.

  The "Opinions" proposed that the provincial and municipal eco-environmental departments should coordinate and carry out centralized and strengthened supervision in accordance with the actual situation. In principle, no more than twice a year, to reduce unnecessary inspections and random checks on enterprises.

  The "Opinions" also strictly controlled the number of special actions, and proposed that the province-wide special law enforcement actions should not exceed 6 per year in principle, and the districts and cities should not overweight or reorganize them.

  For the outstanding environmental pollution and the strong reaction from the masses, we shall resolutely investigate and deal with them in accordance with the law, and avoid "assault" remediation or shutdown.

  ·Shandong: Issuing the "Nine Measures Strictly Strictly Strictly Prohibited" The notice issued by Shandong Province of the Nine Measures Strictly Prohibiting the Enforcement of Safety in Production and the Nine Strict Measures issued by Shandong Province clarifies that, in principle, enterprises shall not be required to suspend production and production. After a production safety accident occurs, in principle, the simplified treatment method of "an accident in one enterprise, and other similar enterprises suspending production for rectification" shall not be adopted.

  ·Hebei: It is strictly forbidden to stop the enterprise! It is reported that the Office of the Leading Group for Air Pollution Prevention and Control of Hebei Province has recently issued the "Special Work Plan for Prohibiting "One Size Cuts" Behavior in the Field of Ecological Environment in Hebei Province. From April 1st to the end of the year, special work will be carried out in Hebei Province to strictly prevent and control "one size fits all" problems in the ecological environment.

  · Jinan City: Provision of mitigation or exemption of 16 environmental administrative penalties This year, Jinan City Ecological Environment Bureau issued the "Implementation Opinions on Mitigation and Exemption of Administrative Penalties (Implementation)". The "Opinions" stipulated 16 circumstances for mitigation and exemption of environmental administrative penalties , The first in the country.

  The "Opinions" pointed out that if the violations are minor and corrected in time, and no harmful consequences are caused, they can be exempted from punishment. It also clarifies 10 situations in which administrative penalties can be exempted, including units that have not been approved for construction and units that have not been approved and invested. As well as individuals, units that discharge excessive pollution, scattered polluting enterprises, and some illegal situations that have not set up monitoring points and sampling monitoring platforms, they can be exempted from punishment if they meet certain conditions.

  · Taiyuan City: It is clear that 7 types of behaviors will not be punished. Taiyuan City's Ecological Environment Bureau has issued the "Catalogue List of No Administrative Penalties for Minor Violations in the Market and Lighter Administrative Penalties for General Violations", and no penalties for 7 types of behaviors .

  Non-punishment means that during the process of law enforcement inspection conducted by the ecological environment department, the administrative counterpart has been found to have no subjective intentions, the first minor violation of the law, after criticism, education, warning, guidance, or order for rectification, the counterparty promptly rectified and did not cause harmful consequences, The ecological environment department will no longer impose fines.

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State Council Order! Eliminate all unnecessary environmental law enforcement! Check up to 2 times a year!

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