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07-22 2019

Hunan Haohua accepted the city's second "review" in 2019

On the afternoon of July 21, 2019, accompanied by Kang Yuelin, Secretary of the County Party Committee, Su Tao, Deputy Secretary of the County Party Committee, and Su Tao, Secretary of the County Party Committee, Mao Tengfei, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee
09-30 2020

2020 Youxian Hazardous Chemical Emergency Fire Fighting and Rescue Joint Drill Launched in Hunan Haohua

In order to implement the spirit of the "Notice on Comprehensively Strengthening the Work of Safe Production of Hazardous Chemicals" issued by the General Office of the State Council of the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and to further promote the implementation of the three-year action requirements for special rectification of hazardous chemical safety and fire safety, further Improve emergency response and coordinated operations capabilities for hazardous chemical accidents. On September 29, 2020, a chemical fire accident handling drill in Youxian Chemical Park was carried out in Hunan Haohua Chemical Co., Ltd.
07-02 2020

Hunan Haohua held an emergency rescue drill for liquid chlorine cylinder leakage

On June 30, 2020, various functional departments and production systems of Hunan Haohua Chemical Co., Ltd. jointly organized an emergency plan drill for the leakage of liquid chlorine cylinders. At 10 o'clock in the morning of the same day, as the harsh chlorine gas storage alarm sounded suddenly
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